Childhood vs Adulthood

I didn’t realize how much the events in my childhood had formed me until yesterday. Now I know better not to blame or judge people especially since I didn’t know their story, I didn’t know what happened during their formative years. Many times we are all victims trying to live as victors but still locked up in some prison if our childhood. Some prison you find difficult to break away from.

Please don’t blame me because I’m timid
Please don’t blame because I’m shy
Please don’t be angry that I’m proud
Please don’t be angry because I’m violent
Please don’t be sad because I lack confidence in my self
Please don’t be sad that I don’t like touch
Please don’t dislike me because I’m quiet
Please don’t dislike me that I’m adamant
Don’t walk away because you think I talk too much
Don’t walk away because I’m bold which you call proud
I might just be a product of my childhood.

Growing up is an interesting part of life and it’s like whatever ever is written into you that time is indelible. Reading this novel by Ted Dekker “Skin”, I saw what harm done to children make of them in their adulthood. Childhood and teen years are sensitive times of a person’s life that adulthood is a live out of the input of those years. Many times, what I see is that horrible or bad events stick and form individuals than good events do except if you decide to remain a positive thinker.

But what do we do for you who seems to be a remnant of your “growing up years” trauma, because you must be somebody of great value to yourself and your community.
1. Memories are a good thing, to help you learn from events whether good or bad and apply them to your present life.
2. Don’t live in your past, live in your present and adapt to change.
3. Remember that whatever happens to you is so that you can help others when they find themselves in the same shoes.
4. Don’t think the worse of your life because your situation is better than someone else. Be thankful in the least bit.
5. Discover the setbacks created by your childhood and teen years event and work on them deliberately, improve on the positives induced by your childhood and teen years event because it was not bad all the time.
6. Forgive who ever it is who caused you any trauma, they might have done it out of love or their lack of understanding. Let go so you can move on.
7. Take a bold step towards maximizing your potential because you are beyond those who didn’t believe in you, you are at the point where the whole world is waiting for you to break out.
8. That thing that was done to you to break you, don’t do it to others. What was done to you to make you should help you make others.
9. God loves you, you are not a product of chance but His special design. So leave your life in His hands let Him fix you. Create a relationship with Him. Talk to him and He will make a way out for you. God is not the reason this world is bad, sin and self is.

Live your life be free…

Published by Ojonoka lovina

I run this blog and except expressly stated I write the article. My articles have gone beyond the love of writing, it has become a passion to see each other grow. I struggle with some of the things I write but God will always use a man. So we are growing together. Thank you for joining me on this journey.

9 thoughts on “Childhood vs Adulthood

  1. Thanks for sharing! I really enjoyed it! I hope you will come check out the new post on Real Life Natural Wife and leave me a comment with your thoughts! Have a great weekend!


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